Anthem: Faction Loyalty Guide (All Rewards)

Here's the ultimate guide on faction loyalty in Anthem. Protect your fellow citizens in Fort Tsaris and earn faction loyalty. All explained in this simple guide!

The main goal in Anthem, aside from finding epic loot and making your javelin look badass, is to protect the citizens of Fort Tarsis. Along the way, you’ll find yourself aligning with three separate factions: Freelancers, Arcanists, and Sentinels.

Completing tasks for each group earns you different rewards like new blueprints or materials to customize your javelin with and changes to the appearance of Fort Tarsis.

As great as Anthem is, the game doesn’t do a good job of explaining what activities lead towards leveling up your Faction Loyalty. So we’ve created a guide to help you on your journey to unlocking everything Anthem has to offer. Make sure to check out our other Anthem guides:

Table of ContentsShow

Freelancer Faction


The first faction you’ll be introduced to is your very own: the Freelancers. This is the faction we recommend focusing on first, as you’ll be rewarded with new wear states for your javelin, ensuring you aren’t left staring at a rusty or filthy suit the entire game.

To level up your Freelancer Loyalty, you’ll have to take on new contracts by talking to Yarrow in Fort Tarsis and checking job boards. Additionally, you can earn Loyalty by speaking to these NPCs:

  • Sev
  • Max
  • Neeson Giles
  • Faye
  • Yarrow
  • Prospero
  • Zoe
  • Freelancer Jani
  • Freelancer Rythe

Every time you level up your Freelancer Loyalty, you’ll receive certain rewards. Here’s a list of all the Freelancer Faction rewards:

Freelancer Loyalty 1

  • Uncommon universal component blueprints
  • Standard Wear State

Freelancer Loyalty 2

  • Rare universal component blueprints
  • Clean Wear State

Freelancer Loyalty 3

  • Epic universal component blueprints
  • New Wear State

Sentinel Faction

Arcanist Guide

The next faction you’ll encounter is the Sentinels, a military organization in charge of protecting cities and settlements throughout the world.

To level up your Sentinel Loyalty, you’ll have to take on new contracts by talking to Tassyn or Sentinel Brin in Fort Tarsis and checking job boards. Additionally, you can earn Loyalty by speaking to these NPCs:

  • Pirndel Blatch
  • Lucky Jak
  • Prospero
  • Neeson Giles

Every time you level up your Sentinel Loyalty, you’ll receive certain rewards. Here’s a list of all the Sentinel Faction rewards:

Sentinel Loyalty 1

  • Uncommon iconic component blueprints

Sentinel Loyalty 2

  • Rare iconic component blueprints
  • Tin Metal shader
  • Iron Metal shader
  • Lead Metal shader

Sentinel Loyalty 3

  • Epic iconic component blueprints
  • Nickel Metal shader
  • Chromium Metal shader
  • Titanium Metal shader

Arcanist Faction

Factions Guide

The last faction you’ll encounter is that of the Arcanists, mystic scientists who have dedicated their lives to researching Bastion’s mysteries.

To level up your Arcanist Loyalty, you’ll have to take on new contracts by talking to Matthias in Fort Tarsis and checking job boards. Additionally, you can earn Loyalty by speaking to these NPCs:

  • Sev
  • Chronicler
  • Neeson Giles
  • Prospero
  • Sayrna

Every time you level up your Arcanist Loyalty, you’ll receive certain rewards. Here’s a list of all the Arcanist Faction rewards:

Arcanist Loyalty 1

  • Uncommon sigil blueprints

Arcanist Loyalty 2

  • Rare sigil blueprints
  • Tungsten Metal shader
  • Silver Metal shader
  • Platinum Metal shader

Arcanist Loyalty 3

  • Epic sigil blueprints
  • Bronze Metal shader
  • Brass Metal shader
  • Copper Metal shader

Other Methods for Gaining Faction Loyalty

Level Loyalty Rewards

Besides completing Contracts and talking to NPCs, there are a couple of other things you can do to level up each faction. Here’s a list of side activities that will boost your Faction Loyalty:

  • Completing World Events (Freelancers, Sentinels, Arcanists)
  • Exploring Hidden Areas (Freelancers)
  • Finding Crafting Nodes (Sentinels)
  • Collecting Notes, Collectibles, and Treasure Chests (Arcanists)

Once you reach Level 3 Loyalty for each faction, you’ll unlock the Champion of Tarsis Challenge. Completing this will remove the Loyalty cap for each faction, allowing you to earn an infinite amount.

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Justin Fernandez

As a fan of both indie and triple-A games, Justin finds joy in discovering and sharing hidden gems with other passionate gamers. In addition to reporting on the latest and greatest titles, he manages GamingScan’s social media channels.

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