Sennheiser GSP 370 Review

Sennheiser GSP 370 is making waves due to its incredible 100-hour battery life, but does the headset have enough appeal if we were to remove this feature?

Bottom Line

If you’ve got $200 to spend on a wireless gaming headset, then there are as of yet no options more appealing than the Sennheiser GSP 370 with its record-breaking 100-hour battery life, as well as the tried and true Sennheiser standard of quality.


Two things come to mind when we think high-end Sennheiser headsets: top of the line, audiophile-grade sound quality, and an equally impressive price tag to go with it.

But Sennheiser has recently released the GSP 370 – their newest wireless gaming headset that looks to retain the high level of quality we’ve come to expect from this manufacturer while dropping the price down to a more approachable level. And if this wasn’t enough to pique your interest, it also allegedly has a 100-hour battery life, which is just insane.

At $200, the GSP 370 is still a high-end product, but one that’s no longer out of so many people’s reach.

Yet, many have failed in their endeavors to keep the overall quality immaculate while bringing down the price of their products (to say nothing of the unprecedented promises for the battery life), so let’s how Sennheiser fares in this regard.

NameSennheiser GSP 370
TypeAround-ear headset
Frequency response20 – 20000 Hz
Design styleClosed
Weight285 grams
Microphone frequency response100 – 6300 Hz

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Sennheiser GSP 370

At first, the GSP 370 doesn’t appear all that distinct. Love it or hate it, the exterior design here doesn’t deviate from the Sennheiser norm. However, we’re happy they’ve decided to go with a grey and black color scheme instead of one of the more aggressive gaming pallets with lots of attention-demanding reds or blues. It still strikes you as a gaming headset (which it should), but it gives the headset a more refined and distinguished look.

The right ear cup, of course, has the microphone attached to it, but we’re glad to see that the left ear cup isn’t left barren. Instead, it houses an endless volume knob that helps you conveniently adjust the loudness of the game in the heat of the moment. It’s a simple tool, but one we’re always happy to see on any headset.

Nevertheless, it’s apparent at a glance that we’re dealing with an all-plastic exterior here, which does raise some eyebrows. Plastic was the best material to use in this situation, given that Sennheiser’s goal was to make the GSP 370 a true lightweight champion. And seeing how the headset weighs in at only 285 grams, we’d say they’ve succeeded. As for any implications that may have on the durability of the headset, we’ll cover that in just a bit.

As far as the exterior is concerned, there’s nothing too innovative about the GSP 370, but there’s nothing wrong with following the if-it-ain’t-broke design philosophy since nothing is indeed broke.


Sennheiser GSP 370 Comfort

If the plastic bothers you from an aesthetic standpoint, at least you’ll be happy to know that it actively contributes to making this one of the best headsets for long gaming marathons without any pauses. The lightweight nature of this headset makes it so that the headband sits on your head without exerting unwanted pressure.

And speaking of comfort, we have to applaud the GSP 370 for utilizing just the right amount of clamping force to hug your head without ever feeling like it’s pressing into your skull. The memory foam padding on the ear cups isn’t the thickest we’ve seen in this price range, but thanks to the magnificently measured clamping force and overall light nature of the headset, there are no issues in terms of comfort that Sennheiser has let slip through.

What’s more, the combination of materials used for the replaceable ear cushions was meticulously crafted to not only provide a high level of comfort but also prevent excessive ear sweating.

One hour, five hours, it doesn’t make a difference – this headset is just a joy to wear.


Sennheiser GSP 370 Durability

On the other hand, if the plastic bothers you due to its implications on the overall durability of the headset, you’ll be pleased to know that Sennheiser didn’t opt for just any plastic. The material utilized here is sturdy and rigid, yet it has enough bend to it to fit any head, large or small. It also feels rather premium to the touch.

Overall, we’re rather impressed with what the company has managed to accomplish with just the use of plastic (barring the metal skeleton underneath). The headset feels well put together and durable, and we’ve heard no complaints of it breaking on anyone. All in all, it handles the everyday wear and tear of a gaming headset like a champ.

If you’re an impulsive gamer who tends to take out frustration on your headset, you should go with something sturdier, but then again, not even an all-metal build is bound to survive this kind of punishment. Otherwise, you shouldn’t expect any trouble from the GSP 370.


Sennheiser GSP 370 Features

As for the features this headset offers, they’re everything a gamer could want. First of all, we have to mention the low latency connection, as it’s one of the standout perks of using this wireless headset over any other.

We don’t know how they’ve accomplished this, but the folk at Sennheiser made it so that there’s next to no change in latency when switching from this wireless headset to any wired solution. If you’re looking for the best wireless performance without sacrificing anything in terms of convenience, it doesn’t get any better than this.

Additionally, the GSP 370 comes with its own software – the Sennheiser Gaming Suite. This software lets you take full reign of the sound customization. 

You can use it to adjust both the playback and microphone settings as well as tinker with the equalizer any way you like. Additionally, it lets you switch between the 2.0 and 7.1 modes on the fly with just the press of a button.


Sennheiser GSP 370 Versatility

These were all great features for any gaming headset, but we need to emphasize that this is a gaming headset first and foremost, so it doesn’t offer as much in terms of versatility. There is no Bluetooth option, and you have to use the dongle to connect it, with the list of compatible platforms limited to PC, Mac, and the PS4.

If you need a headset strictly for gaming, this shouldn’t be an issue. Still, if you’re also looking for a device that you can occasionally connect to your smartphone, or you simply prefer gaming on an Xbox or a Nintendo Switch, this headset just won’t do it for you.

This gaming-first philosophy is also evident in the lack of any real noise cancellation feature. There’s no active noise cancellation to speak of – which isn’t anything out of the ordinary for a headset of this price range – but the passive noise cancellation isn’t all that impressive either. It’s nothing that would hinder your gaming experience – this is an indoors headset, and as such, it doesn’t have to contend with the general hubbub of, say, public transportation – but it goes to show how narrow its application is.

Just to clarify, this is by no means a negative. We can only judge a product by what it has set out to do, and this headset accomplished everything it set out to do so far. That said, it does have a narrower target demographic than most headsets, so just keep this in mind when making your purchase.


Sennheiser GSP 370 Battery

Without a doubt, one of the biggest appeals of the GSP 370 has got to be its ludicrous battery life. It’s just unreal.

Usually, when we hear a manufacturer boast about even a 30-hour battery life, we think to ourselves: ‘Yeah, in your imaginary perfect conditions maybe…’ Sometimes they do make good on these promises; other times, we’re left with a significantly shorter battery life, but we’re not too phased about this because it was to be expected. And then Sennheiser comes along with their GSP 370 and promises 100-hours of battery life!

That’s just mindblowing, but somehow they’ve made it work. The 100 hours of juice is no fable. Granted, you need to keep the volume level at about 50% for this to happen, but this shouldn’t be an issue since the volume – as well as the overall sound of this headset – is superb.

What’s also cool is that you get a neat little LED indicator light on one of the ear cups that lets you know how depleted the battery is. The LED light displays one of four different colors indicating four different levels of battery charge. So really, this headset should never give up on you halfway through a gaming session, and if it does, it’s on you for not checking beforehand.


Sennheiser GSP 370 Microphone

When it comes to gaming headsets, the microphone is arguably even more important than the playback, and we’re glad to see the folk at Sennheiser have kept this in mind when designing the GSP 370.

It’s the pure, unadulterated Sennheiser treatment, replete with hard-hitting features that offer premium sound and block out all the background noise you want to have blocked out.

If you need to stand out as the voice of reason in a team shooter, instructing your team in the disorganized mayhem of battle, you need to sound intelligible, and this microphone can do that for you.

It’s a shame that it’s not detachable, but it only works when lowered to mouth level, so you can mute and unmute it freely. And when it is raised, it hugs the contours of the headband quite nicely. Plus, it does have a bit of flex to it, so you should have no trouble finding a perfect position for it.

We may have even settled for less at this price range, but it’s good to see Sennheiser isn’t holding out on its fans.


Sennheiser GSP 370 Sound

And lastly, we have the most vital aspect of any audio device – the sound quality. Now anyone familiar with Sennheiser products should know what to expect here, even from a device at this price range. The sound here is tight!

This headset has the standard 20 – 20k Hz frequency range, but you’d think it was something much more impressive, just because of how masterfully the people at Sennheiser have tuned everything.

There is a sense of clarity to every frequency range, and the drivers handle the lows as well as the highs and everything in between with effortless precision. It’s no audiophile-grade sound, but it’s not far from it either.

And the imaging is far better than you could typically hope for in a closed-back headset. There’s a great sense of depth to the sound, something we’re sure many an FPS player among you will appreciate. Locating just where the gunshots or footsteps are coming from has never been easier.

As far as the volume goes, you can crank these cans up to eleven without distorting the sound whatsoever.


Sennheiser GSP 370 Side

In conclusion, the Sennheiser GSP 370 headset truly is one of a kind. The design is good, if all plastic, the comfort is on point, the features are plenty and useful, and the sound quality is certified Sennheiser.

As if this wasn’t enough, you get a mind-boggling, trend-setting, unprecedented 100 hours of battery life. The GSP 370 arrived into the gaming headset scene like a boss, ready to accept all challenges, and so far, few could stand up to it.

The only way we could see someone not enjoying this headset is if they aren’t in the market for a headset that’s designed exclusively for gaming. This isn’t to say that listening to music on these cans is going to leave anyone disappointed, far from it. 

The bass here is very controlled, and music sounds incredible on it. But the lack of a 3.5mm input or even just a basic Bluetooth option does lean it towards one direction only, and that’s gaming.

If this is what you’re looking for in a headset, then, by all means, knock yourself out. It gets a solid A for Awesome. But if you’re looking for versatility, you should try your luck elsewhere. The Creative Sound BlasterX H6 is a headset we’re always happy to recommend to gamers looking to buy a device they can use with any of their platforms.

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Samuel Stewart

Samuel is GamingScan's editor-in-chief. He describes himself as a dedicated gamer and programmer. He enjoys helping others discover the joys of gaming. Samuel closely follows the latest trends in the gaming industry in order to keep the visitors in the flow.

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